How you can support Ministry of Stories during lockdown

Posted by theministry on 1st July 2020

Lots of brilliant people are looking for ways to support good causes right now. We asked our Development Coordinator Lottie to put together a list of ten ways to raise money during a lockdown.

10 ways to raise money for a good cause right now

Okay, so we might be staying in as much as possible for the foreseeable future.

We believe that the world needs stories more than ever and we are grateful for all of our supporters and friends who still want to make donations and spread the word about Ministry of Stories.

I have come up with some new ways of raising money which will make a difference to Ministry of Stories as we continue to work with hundreds of young people in east London who need our support. 

1. Host an online quiz

Already a quarantine classic. Everyone has that one friend who would love to host a quiz, they’re just waiting to be asked. Using a video platform like Zoom, invite your friends to the virtual pub for some drinks, snacks and quizzing (byob).

Quizzes can be straightforward; a music round, last line of a book or a dingbats round. Or get creative with rounds like; “who said it?” – look back at your friends’ Facebook statuses from way back when or “one song to the tune of another” where the quizmaster sings one song to the tune of another.

Ask people to make a donation, in exchange for taking part. You can set up a fundraising page here and keep a track of donations during the event. 

2. Draw pen portraits for a donation

A simple concept, people make a donation to Ministry of Stories and in exchange, you draw a simple portrait of them shared on social media or sent to them via email.

It doesn’t have to be a Picasso, use your own style and focus on the key features of your subject. Here’s one I drew of our Director, he donated a fiver for it. 

Pen portrait of Rob Smith

It’s uncanny

3. Digital poetry takeaway

A similar concept to the portrait; write a poem on the donor’s choice of subject. You could even ask for a bigger donation if they want to choose the form: £5 for a limerick, £15 for a sonnet, epic poems -POA. 

4. Sunflower sweepstake

Get a group of friends to plant sunflower seeds at the same time. Everyone puts £10 into the sweepstake pot. Name your seedlings, water them, talk to them and sing to them (improves growth).

Pick a date in the summer – on this date everyone measures the height of their sunflower, the tallest takes half the pot and the other half is donated to charity. 

Photo of a sunflower in a sunflower field

Growing more than one is not cheating

5. Online baking lessons for a donation 

Have you always wanted your pals recipe for chicken Marbella? Challah? SOURDOUGH? Why not ask them to host an online cooking demonstration in exchange for a donation to charity?

You get a delicious new recipe, to spend time with a friend AND to make a donation to charity, a win-win-win. 

6. DIY haircut 

Not for the faint of heart. People have been shaving their heads for charity for years. What about every time someone makes a donation, they can suggest a new hairstyle: mohawk, mullet, hair dye.

On a predetermined date you pick one of the options out of a hat and make it happen. Just pray you have nice friends…

7. Sponsor a baby barber

A variation on the above but people sponsor you to let your child cut your hair. Good luck. 

8. Donate your commute 

Simple.  Doesn’t involve any scissors anywhere near your ears. Donate what you would have spent on getting to work, your morning coffee or your sad desk lunch here. 

9. Climb a mountain on your stairs 

I have estimated the height of 4,610 average individual stairs is equal to the height of Snowdon, the UK’s most beautiful mountain.

And since it’s an offence to visit Wales from England right now, why not climb the staircase of your own home! Set up your challenge page here

Looking down a stairwell

Photo from the summit

10. Create a playlist for a donation

If you’re anything like me, you’re listening to a lot of music right now. Why not share all your new musical knowledge with your friends in exchange for a donation to charity.

If you decide to do this, please send me an email at and let me know because I will be first in line to get some new tunes.

However you decide to support Ministry of Stories over the coming weeks and months, please drop me a line and let me know. Whether you’re looking for help setting up your fundraising page or help with fundraising ideas, I am always happy to have a chat/ sit for a mini portrait.

Thank you!

NEXT PAGE: Story Spotlight – The Pool